
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Only Two Weeks?????

I don't know when school starts back where you live, but here in Alabama we are down to only two more weeks of summer!  Even though I homeschool my youngest, we still follow the city school calendar for the most part, since my older two are still in public school.  It's just easier if we're all on the same schedule!  I have a list a mile long of things I was supposed to accomplish this summer, but only about half of them have been checked off.  Where has the time gone?

When I was teaching in regular school, I always liked to start off my year with a reading of Kevin Henkes' book, Wemberly Worried.  It really doesn't matter what age you's always safe to assume that your littles (or maybe not so littles) are all feeling a little anxious about a new classroom, new teacher, new friends, etc.  Heck, if we're honest, most of  US feel a little anxious / nervous at this time each year too, don't we?  So we can all relate to poor Wemberly, who worries about everything.....particularly starting kindergarten!

If, like me, you consider this book to be a MUST for the first day of school, you may be interested in a TPT product I offer to accompany this wonderful story!  It has several literature activities, as well as a pattern for this cute craftivity:

If you are interested in checking it out, please click HERE.

And just for visiting my blog, here's a freebie for you, from that packet:

Wemberly Worried Freebie  (Click Here to Access)

Hope you enjoy it!  Thanks for stopping by!




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